Last night was lucky enough to go and see WAR HORSE currently playing at the New London Theatre and it was a fab night! The performances started off a little sketchy but came into their own amazingly. The lead boy was a little to eager and forced excitement but carried the whole thing hardly leaving the stage - the animal pupeteers (although this description doesn't do them justice) were amazing! The Stamina and strength that must be required to be inside the two horses must be immense. The colours of wood against the stark background with matching clothes for the operators worked well and I really like the almost shadow puppet effect of the birds. There was a lone singer who would appear every no and again with or without his accordian who had a gorgeous voice but perhaps 2 singers might have worked better...? The attention to detail is something I always appreciate on stage as it so easy to not bother and stick to grand images and tableaux - the ageing of both boy and horse was my highlight the transitions between sizes of animal was well done and the seamless ageing of the young boy was magnificent! I recommend this play go see it!

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