Firm up your friendship

Totally Us on an unrelated sunny day!
Now anyone that knows me for more than a couple hours, knows that i am not a sympathetic, soppy, lovey dovey, cry at anything kind of a woman (actually i don't know many women that are, but there are perceptions...).

One of my very first close friends when i was very young was the same, and we developed our own little way of dealing with our fall outs or disagreements that we would refer to as 'no emotions'. This had its benefits but we were young and it was basically a way of us avoiding fighting with each other about things we were both hyper sensitive about.

Age has so far been kind to me and i am blessed with some amazing friends, but recently one of my friends and I wrote a list of 10 of our favourite things about each other and then sent them or read them out.

I valued her as a friend before but after that will never look at her or be offended by anything she could say to me ever again. We recognised the good in each other, the value in each other and our relationship and it's something i would recommend to anyone.

happy loving!

R x

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